Legal Advice

Andrea Ringle

Lawyer, Specialist Lawyer for Intellectual Property Rights, Data Protection Officer (TÜV)
Key competences
Trademark Law and Company Labelling Law
Product and Marketing Strategies, Competition Law (UWG)
Implementation of Digital and Data-Based Business Models
Software Contracts and IT Projects
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Projects
Licence, Cooperation, R&D Contracts
Copyright and Agency Contracts
Protection of Know-How and Secrets
Data Protection Law and Data Utilisation Law (Data Law)
Warnings and Lawsuits
Transaction-Related and Insolvency-Related Advice and Contract Drafting
2002 – 2012 Harmsen Utescher Rechtsanwalts- und Patentanwaltspartnerschaft, Hamburg
1999 – 2002 Legal Trainee at the Court of Appeal Schleswig
Legal Studies at the University of Hamburg and at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster
SCHUFA-Scoring auf dem Prüfstand [SCHUFA scoring put to test], Annotation to ECJ, judgment of 7.12.2023 – C-634/21, GRUR-Prax 2024, 107 – Scoring
Schwere Zeiten für Pflegeheime – Distressed M&A: Besonderheiten bei der übertragenden Sanierung von Pflegeeinrichtungen [Hard Times for Nursing Homes - Distressed M&A: Specifics of the Transferring Restructuring of Nursing Facilities], Contribution to Handelsblatt Annual Restructuring Conference together with Katharina Gerdes, 15.03.2023
Täuschung über Aktivlegitimation als Grund für Anfechtung eines Unterlassungsvertrages [Deception about active legitimacy as a reason for contesting a cease-and-desist agreement], Annotation to Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, Decision of 22.6.2022 – 15 U 137/21, GRUR-Prax 2023, 280 – Tierbedarfshandel-Verein
Grenzen der Haftung einer Testzeitschrift [Limits of the liability of a test magazine], Annotation to Higher Regional Court of Cologne, Judgment of 23.9.2022 – 6 U 70/22, GRUR-Prax 2022, 675
Später Löschungsantrag kein Aussetzungsgrund [Late request for cancellation not a reason for suspension], Annotation to Federal Patent Court, Judgment of 7.3.2022 – 29 W (pat) 522/20, GRUR-Prax 2022, 347 – kk/kk
Anspruch auf Geldentschädigung bei schwerem Eingriff in Sozialsphäre [Claim for Monetary Compensation in case of Severe Interference with Social Sphere], Annotation to Higher Regional Court of Dresden, Judgment of 8.6.2021 – 4 U 2120/20, GRUR-Prax 2021, 500
Kampot Pepper from Cambodia goes international, ECTA News 28/01/2021
Abschlusserklärung des Herstellers mit Folgen für Abnehmerverwarnung [Final Declaration of Manufacturer with Consequences of Customer Warning], Annotation to Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, Judgment of 26.6. 2020 – 3 U 107/18, GRUR-Prax 2020, 560
Mehr Queso Manchego wagen [Dare more Queso Manchego], article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 22.05.2019, p. 18
Diese Regeln gelten auf Social Media, Social-Media-Guide, [These rules apply to social media, social media guide], Reiter Revue International, 5/2019, p. 110 - 112
Rufausbeutung als Widerspruchsgrund [Exploitation of Reputation as Ground of Opposition], Annotation to General Court, Judgment of 11.4.2019 – T-655/17, GRUR-Prax 2019, 252
Kein Markenschutz für Herz-Abbildung [No Trademark Protection for Image of a Heart], Annotation to General Court, Judgment of 14.2.2019 – T-123/18, GRUR-Prax 2019, 134
Lockvogelangebot [Loss-Leader Price], Interview in Journal WirtschaftsWoche (Edition 16 / 13.4.2017)
Geistiges Eigentum auf dem Prüfstand [Intellectual Property Put to Test], Service-Pages Finance Tax Law, Edition Hamburg 2016
Import von Begrifflichkeiten beeinflusst Verkehrsverständnis [Import of Terminology has Influence on Public Perception], Annotation to Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, Judgment of 16.6.2015 – I-20 U 42/14,GRUR-Prax 2015, 507
Paper „IP-Check Mittelstand“ [IP-Check of SME] – An Empirical Study to the Protection of Intellectual Property of North German Small and Midsize Enterprises,
Keine Verwechslungsgefahr trotz erheblicher Ähnlichkeit der Bildelemente [No Risk of Confusion in spite of substantial Similarity between Device Components], Annotation to General Court, Judgment of 7.5. 2015 – T-599/13, GRUR-Prax 2015, 274
Abmahnenden trifft Pflicht zum „Nachfassen“ [Warning Letter causes Duty to „Follow up“], Annotation to Appellate Court of Berlin, Decision of 30.1.2015 – 24 W 92/14, GRUR-Prax 2015, 136
Keine Vertragsstrafe bei schwebend unwirksamer Unterlassungsvereinbarung [No Contract Penalty in case of provisionally ineffective Cease and Desist Agreement],Annotation to Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of 17.11.2014 – I ZR 97/13, GRUR-Prax 2015, 48
Vertragsstrafebemessung im “Normalfall” [Assesment of Contract Penalties in “Normal Cases”], Annotation to Higher Regional Court Frankfurt a.M., Decision of 9.12.2013 – 11 W 27/13, GRUR-Prax 2014, 316
Bloße Unterlassungserklärung verpflichtet nicht zur Erstattung von Abmahnkosten [Mere Cease and Desist Declaration does not obligate to reimburse Costs of Warning Letter], Annotation to Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of 24.9.2013 – I ZR 2019/12, GRUR-Prax 2013, 525
German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA)
Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network (oriGIn)
International Association of Lawyers for Vine and Wine Law (AIDV)
“Workshop Software-Verträge” [Workshop Software Agreements], event at Cora Management GmbH, Hamburg 02/2017
“Non-agri GI’s”, moderator panel discussion, ECTA 41st Annual Conference, Prague 06/2023
“5 Jahre DSGVO” [5 years of GDPR], speech on BRL event, Hamburg 05/2023
„Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, IT-Recht, Datenschutzrecht: Typische Herausforderungen in der Restrukturierung und Insolvenz“ [Intellectual property law, IT law, data protection law: typical challenges in restructuring and insolvency], lecture at After Work
“EU Case Law Update”, lecture at ECTA 39th Annual Conference, Vienna 10/2021
“Workshop Software-Verträge” [Workshop Software Agreements], event at Cora Management GmbH, Hamburg 02/2017
“Intellectual Property – rechtliche und steuerliche Herausforderungen” [Intellectual Property – Legal and Fiscal Challenges], shared with Dr. Thomas Lübbehüsen and Andreas Grandt, RSM-Schulung, Berlin 11/2014
„Schutz des Unternehmens vor “Know-how-Abfluss von Innen” [Company Protection against Outflow of internal Know-how], shared with Dr. Daniela Rossa-Heise, VC-Stammtisch, Hamburg 09/2014
„Urheberrecht beim Bauen im Bestand“ [Copry Rights in conjunction with Constructions in a Building], 2. Brandschutztreff, Berlin 10/2013
„Grundzüge des Intellectual Property: wichtige Aspekte bei der Unternehmensgründung“ [Main Features of Intellectual Property: Important Aspects for the Foundation of Enterprises], Gründer Treff, Hamburg 02/2013
„Von der Idee zum geschützten Recht: Bausteine der rechtlichen Absicherung geistigen Eigentums als Grundlage für den langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg“ [From Idea to protected Right: Components for the legal Protection of Intellectual Property as Basis